Electronic info on Selec ag valves

Technics / Function principle

Torque motor characteristics

The torque motor coils for each valve can be connected in one of three configurations: parallel, push-pull or series. The parallel configuration is standard for most systems.


*: When torque motor coils are connected in parallel, the current required is [+-130 mA x 1.3 = 169 mA]

In the parallel (standard) or series configuration, when the current flows from “B” to “A” the servo valve will shift so that the pressure port “P” will be connected to port “A” and port “B” will be connected to tank (drain) port “T”. In the push-pull configurations, if current “B” to “A” is greater then current “C” to “D”, port “P” will be connected to port “A” and port “B” will be connected to port “T”.
The servo valves can be supplied with a choice of 5 different rated torque motor coils.

Selection of valve coils


*: Non standard coils ordered from Selec are not returnable.